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About the Firm

H.J. Cannon Group was incorporated as Delaware Valley Roofing Consultants, Inc. in 1982 as a roofing consultant firm. Cannon Group, after working for various local school districts, was awarded a multiple-year contract with the School District of Philadelphia and afterward a multi-year contract with the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), Mid-Atlantic Region 3. The work with both of these major building owners quickly developed into a practice that came to include the entire building envelope consisting of roof and waterproofing systems, exterior walls, windows, and fabricated curtain walls. As Cannon Group's list of clients expanded, the area serviced by the firm grew. The work with the GSA Region 3 included Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, and West Virginia. Cannon Group's partnering with various contractors added design / build work with GSA Region 3, GSA Capitol Region including Washington, D.C., and the District of Columbia Public Schools. Cannon Group has also performed professional services in Florida, Connecticut, Louisiana, Illinois, and Montana.

Cannon Group, since its founding, has undertaken professional services that have included the following:

Cannon Group has also provided assistance to construction firms in the analysis and recommendations of various building elements during the construction process. is optimized for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers. Some content may not display properly in other browsers. Please consider upgrading to a browser that supports current web standards by clicking on either link.

520 Fellowship Road, Suite A-105, Mt. Laurel, New Jersey 08054-3407
Phone: 856-914-0900 / 800-233-6986