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Forensic/Litigation Services

Cannon Group provides forensic architectural and engineering services to Owners, Architects, Developers, Contractors, and Attorneys with respect to various construction materials. Cannon Group's experienced staff routinely investigates alleged performance related issues with installed roof, waterproofing, building envelope, and structural systems. Our office employs both non-invasive and invasive procedures as needed to identify and quantify the performance related issues and uses such data to effectively communicate the potential causes and remedial costs to repair such conditions to our clients.

Cannon Group serves as an expert witness based upon our thirty years of design experience. Our office reviews performance related claims for compliance with Code requirements, industry standards, and general architectural and engineering practice standards. Our office routinely reviews technical issues and conveys them to our clients in a non-technical manner when acting as an expert witness in arbitration, mediation, and litigation.

Cannon group routinely investigates common performance related issues such as: is optimized for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers. Some content may not display properly in other browsers. Please consider upgrading to a browser that supports current web standards by clicking on either link.

520 Fellowship Road, Suite A-105, Mt. Laurel, New Jersey 08054-3407
Phone: 856-914-0900 / 800-233-6986