Full Time Project Representatives
Cannon Group can provide full time construction observation and monitoring on roofing and waterproofing projects. Our office defines a specific scope of work for each project yet the following is a brief common list of duties and responsibilities of a project representative:
- Observe the progress and quality of the work as is reasonably necessary at that stage of construction to determine in general that it is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents.
- Monitor the construction schedule and report to the Owner conditions that may cause delay in completion.
- Consider the Contractor's suggestions and recommendations, evaluate them and submit them, with recommendations, to the Owner for a final decision.
- Record the Project Representative's time and activities related to the Project, weather conditions, nature and location of Work being performed, verbal instructions and interpretations given to the Contractor, and specific observations.
- Assist the Owner in reviewing Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples.
- Review the list of items to be completed or corrected that is submitted by the Contractor with a request for issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion.
- Assist the Owner in final inspection of the Work.