Investigation, Analysis, and Reporting
Cannon Group's investigation will be specifically developed based upon the project yet may include the following:
- Reviewing available drawings and documentation related to existing construction.
- Interviewing facility maintenance personnel to determine past and current leak areas, previous repair attempts, and common maintenance procedures.
- Reviewing prior maintenance logs and repair work orders.
- Visually observing the existing building systems in order identify existing defects and to collect data needed to evaluate the conditions and provide written recommendations of how to correct such conditions.
- Invasive probes such as roof test cuts or limited demolition used to verify the findings of the thermographic survey. Samples taken from the invasive probes may be sent for laboratory analysis to confirm moisture content or presence of asbestos.
Cannon Group, after gathering the necessary background and field survey data, will develop a report that may include the following:
- Project background outlining our understanding of the building's history, construction, and maintenance.
- Summary of our field observations including photographs, sketches, diagrams or other means needed to convey the information to the client.
- Summary of testing done at the project site and the results of such testing.
- Our conclusions based upon the data collected.
- Written recommendations for potential courses of action the client may undertake to resolve the conditions identified in the report.
- Detailed cost estimate based upon industry standards for implementation of the work associated with our recommendations.